Pregnant Mom Gets Harsh Criticism Because Of Her Huge Belly

One of the most beautiful times a woman has in her life is when she is pregnant. It is also a time that can have its own difficulties.

Nobody knows this better than Eliana Rodriguez, a mother who gave birth to Sebastian, her second child when she was 29. Both of her pregnancies were healthy but there was a difference that was obvious for anyone who was looking.

When you looked at Rodriguez during her second pregnancy, one of the first things you would notice was her big belly. There were many people who had comments, from calling her gigantic to asking her if she was sure she wasn’t having twins

Even though her pregnancy was healthy, there is no doubt that it was uncomfortable. It is also important to note that a large belly, such as this is a sign in some cases that there are healthy problems to consider. Rodriguez didn’t have those problems.

“I had large pregnancies; both of my children were born weighing 8.3 pounds. My 3-year-old daughter Sofia was 19.5 inches at birth, while my new boy was 20.5 inches.”

Many of the trolls that had something to say were on Instagram and she just ignored them. There were also some in person who had something to say. She would just let them know that she was large and it was hard.

Rodriguez is someone who has a vested interest in health and wellness, as it is her business. She said: “I pondered why my tummy was bigger than other girls. My doctors told me it was typical because I am only 4’11” and have a shorter torso.”

“I am an open person so I was so delighted that I wanted to share. We had been trying for a second child and hoped for a boy.
During pregnancy, she did carry a significant amount of amniotic fluid. It could have been a condition known as polyhydramnios, which is very rare. Her doctors said she didn’t have it.

She said, “They measured the baby’s size and the amount of fluids.”

Despite having a larger belly, she is healthy and both she and the baby are doing well.

Rodriguez said, “I understand that some individuals have less sympathy for others.” She said, “I am a religious woman and I feel so terrible for people who use cruel words.”

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